5 Parenting Tips When Taking Care Of Toddlers
Terrible two- that's what they often call it.
Taking care of toddlers can be a handful.

It's a given fact how these little kiddos are very famous for having tantrums and a lot of behavior issues, which can cause a lot of stress to you as a parent.
But don't worry. Today we're going to share some parenting tips with you, which can help you encourage listening and cooperation to your little irritable balls of sunshine!
Show Your Love To Your Kids

When taking care of toddlers, make sure to embody and display your affection. Always make sure that your love for them outnumbers your punishments.
Give them a lot of hugs and kisses to reassure your child how much you care about them. Giving them some praise and attention can also help motivate your kids to follow the rules you impose.
Make Sure To Prioritize Helpful Rules

Instead of overwhelming your children with a lot of rules (which they probably do not understand extensively), it would be better to prioritize those rules which gear your children towards safely.
This will prevent your children from experiencing any harm. You can gradually try and add rules along the way but focus on your childproofing practices at home.
Reduce Your Child's Tantrums

Famous for being at the terrible-two stage, it's a given how these children have temper issues.
To help your children reduce the intensity of their tantrums, you can try to:
- Explain the rules to your child, so they understand their limits
- Don't overreact when your child says no and try to repeat their request
- Try to offer choices if possible (for example, making your child pick the fruit he/she wants to eat for meals)
- Avoid any situation that may trigger their frustration (especially when they are feeling hungry or tired)
- Keeping a routine for your child to enjoy every day
- Allow your child to communicate his/her feelings
Don't Be Afraid To Show Them Consequences.

When your child tries to break the rules, don't be afraid to consider giving them consequences to reduce the chances of doing it again.
For example:
If your child throws his/her toy out of anger, don't allow him/her to play with it anymore. This will make your child aware that what he/she did was not good, that's why a consequence was given.
Never Criticize Your Child
As a parent, you must be proactive and focus on the good things, even if your child may be experiencing tantrums.
For example, saying "you're a bad girl" to your daughter is not nice.
Instead, focus on saying, "Don't do that again because…" for your child to understand what she did was not a nice thing to do.
And at the end of the day, the best thing to do for your child is to set a good and positive example for him/her to follow, so they grow up into being good and kind-hearted children.
We hope this helps you get through your child's terrible-two stage. Happy parenting!